Tuesday, March 10, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

There were several plus points about the film, viz:

(1) The graphics, in general, were excellent, e.g.

(a) fitting the east coast of S. Amerca onto the west coast of Africa;
(b) cartoon of Mr Sunbeam & greenhouse gases;
(c) graphics of Lake Chad & stranded ships in Aral Sea;
(d) pictures of Kilimanjaro & various glaciers around the world very powerful;
(e) graphs showing 1,000 years of CO2/global warming & 650,000 years of CO2 &
temperature very telling,
(f) dramatic use of Gore’s contraption;
(g) graphics of possible effects of rising sea levels on Florida, San Francisco, Beijing,
Shanghai, Calcutta/Bangladesh, Manhattan very dramatic.

(2) The emphasis on hard data was most impressive, e.g.

(a) Roger Revelle’s insistence on hard data re. the 1st measurements of CO2 in the
(b) Statistics on coal mining in China.

(3) The film was well photographed, directed & presented. Good use of humour to emphasise

(4) The final analysis of the causes of global warming was clear. According to Gore, the problem
is due to:

(a) population growth – 2bn to 9bn in one lifetime;
(b) technology – in many ways wonderful, e.g. medical advances, but now so powerful that it’s
become a force of nature in itself;
(c) ways of thinking; the frog in the water was a clever analogy. The Economy v Environment
issue was cleverly presented.

(5) The film was effectively personalized, with reference to Gore’s son’s accident, his loss of the
presidential election in 2000 & the death of his sister Nancy from lung cancer. Each of these
episodes was used to highlight the greater long-term significance of global events.
(6) The film had a positive ending, with examples of how exactly we can get back to below the

level of 1970s emissions.

Postscript: it is interesting that Gore, a politician, mentions at least twice, and particularly when he talks about his personal setbacks, that the problem we face is a moral, not a political, issue. Yet his final message is that what is lacking, and what is most needed, is political will, without which the problems associated with climate change & global warming cannot be solved.

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